
Todo es culpa de la sal | It's All the Salt's Fault (2020)

Short 10min

Un matrimonio trivial, una sonrisa desencantada, una palabra mal hablada, un viaje al río sin meterse en el río, disfraces de Halloween hechos en papel, el perro es una vaca, comida en la basura, desvestirse en lo alto de un árbol y al final todo es culpa de la sal.

A trivial marriage, a disenchanted smile, a badly spoken word, a trip to the river without get into the river, Halloween costumes made on paper, the dog is a cow, food in the garbage, undressing on top of a tree and at the end it’s all the salt’s fault. The youngest daughter of a family of sloths, rebuilds the memories with her parents and three siblings. Behind the normality of a family, the wild spirit appears in the details of everyday life that become untameable in memory.

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